We got our Statue of Liberty back. There was a big ceremony for her return, which I apparently missed most of, but here's the aftermath. She's been MIA for quite awhile--getting repaired. But it was nice to see her back again, especially on September 11th.
I need to find the picture I took of the original statue on September 11, 2001. I got a picture of her wearing the first of what would become hundreds of flowers. Our building had been evacuated that day, and I came home and went for a walk with my camera because I wanted to see something beautiful instead of what was on TV. So I walked down the beach and saw a woman walk up to the statue, climb up the base and hang a big handmade lei of dahlias around the statue's neck. And that was beautiful. When I returned later, there were dozens of flowers and cards and candles. For weeks after, I could barely bring myself to walk down there, because there were so many reminders of so much sadness.